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Prophetic Word: Sons of Thunder


I had a vision where I saw silhouettes of men standing. Each silhouette represented a Son of God. Suddenly, one-by-one, the hearts of these men begin to ignite with flames of fire. I knew God was showing me a picture of what is to come.

God's heart has been placed into the Sons of God. Kingdom Men will begin to advance the plans of God. These are the men of God who will not allow the enemy to overtake their families. They will be a powerhouse for the Kingdom of God. Protecting and covering what belongs to God. These Sons of Thunder will step into new assignments and new roles. They will have fire in their eyes and a deep desire to know God and to make Him known.

This will result in Kingdom Marriages being built for the glory of Kingdom work and advancing the plans of God. These Kingdom Marriages will be a merging of the daughters of thunder with the sons of thunder. Respect and Love will be evident in these relationships (Ephesians 5:25,33). This will enable both male and female to work together for the Kingdom of God.

“Husbands, you in turn must treat your wives with tenderness, viewing them as feminine [delicate] partners who deserve to be honored [and protected] for they are co-heirs [equal] with you of the “divine grace of life,” so that nothing will hinder your prayers.”

1 Peter‬ ‭3:7‬ ‭TPT‬‬

We are in a new era and passion is returning to the Church!

Chelsea Carpenter


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